Our Story

I’m Adam Kulbersh and that’s my amazing 7-year-old son, Jack. In November 2023, Jack, asked if we could decorate the outside of our home for Hanukkah. But, due to the historic rise in Antisemitism, I felt like I had to say no. Less than 2% of Americans are Jewish and I was afraid that being one of the few houses with Hanukkah decorations might make us a target. I want to give my son everything but I felt like I couldn’t give him this. To know that he is so proud of our heritage and that I could not allow this joyous expression was devastating.

I shared this difficult moment with a non-Jewish friend, Jennifer Marshall. Without hesitation, Jen said, “I’ll put a menorah in our window. You are not alone.” With that simple, selfless gesture, Project Menorah was born.

Jennifer said, “My heart breaks for my Jewish friends and family. I’ve been watching so many of them live with increased anxiety and fear. While I can’t solve everything, I can do this one thing. I truly hope other non-Jews will join me standing with the Jewish community at a time when many Jews feel so alone.” 

Whenever Jews have been threatened, non-Jewish helpers have always stepped up. Miep Gies hid Anne Frank from the Nazis and saved her diary for the world to see. Activists worldwide fought to help 10,000 Jews escape Soviet oppression. Millions spoke out online and in person in solidarity with the Jewish community after the Tree of Life synagogue massacre.

I started Project Menorah, hoping to engage those helpers in a moment of crisis.

Within days, we went global. Thousands of Jews and non-Jews from 16 countries on all 7 continents and all 50 US states participated by posting menorahs or amplifying those who did. With one simple act, people took a public stand against hate, proclaiming to the world “Only Love Lives Here.” When we add our light together, we can defeat any darkness.

To read more about Hanukkah 2023, click HERE.

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