What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday known as the Festival of Lights. It honors the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE after King Antiochus attempted to destroy it and force Jews to denounce their Judaism. This year, Hanukkah begins December 7 and ends December 15.

After defeating the king a long battle, Jews returned to reclaim and repair the Temple. The story goes that when they arrived, there was only enough oil left to light the sacred lights for one day, but miraculously, the oil lasted eight.

Hanukkah is a holiday celebrating liberation from oppression. With violent antisemites trying to scare and oppress Jewish communities around the world right now, we need friends like you to shine the light of liberation with and for us.

What is a Menorah?

A Hanukkah menorah is the nine-branched candle holder Jews light each night of the Hanukkah celebration. It represents the miracle of our survival as a people. In safer times we light them and put them in our windows to celebrate our joy, our families, our community, and our faith in a better world. But this year, many Jews are afraid to make public expressions of our identity, so we’re looking to our non-Jewish friends for help.

Is Project Menorah associated with any organization or political party?

Nope. Project Menorah was started by a single dad who had to tell his 6-year-old they couldn’t hang Hanukkah decorations in their window this year for fear of the recent spike in antisemitism. When relaying this story to a non-Jewish friend, she said, “Then, I’ll put a menorah in the window at my house instead.” With that one act of allyship, Project Menorah began.

Project Menorah is an opportunity for non-Jews to support their Jewish friends and neighbors during a time of unrest and violence. The project isn’t associated with any other organization or political platform.

Where Do I Get a Menorah? Will This Cost Money?

You can find everything from paper decorations to electric, light-up art pieces online starting as low as $10. We made easy links for you HERE.

But, if you’re not looking to purchase one, we’ve created printable menorahs that you can hang in your window. Click HERE for those.

I’m Not Jewish. Is It OK for Me to Own and Display a Menorah?

Absolutely. Jews make up less than 2% of the US population and less than 0.2% of the global population. At this moment, our very small community needs your visible support. Not only does it help your friends feel less alone, but it also helps show unity in the face of hatred.

How long should I leave my menorah in the window?

All of December! Please continue to shine your light and support right alongside your other holiday decorations.